Sunday, August 2, 2020

World Cuisines: Baba ganoush (Lebanon)

Baba ganoush is associated with the national cuisines of the greater Levant, an area including small areas of Europe (Armenia and European Turkey) through the Middle East to Egypt in North Africa. However, it has its origins more specifically in Lebanon. We really got to know the dish well through our Lebanese friend in England, and the specific recipe we present here derives from one from two vegan friends, one from Germany and the other from Belgium. We eat baba ganoush with a range of other foods: with pitas as a spread, with vegetables as a dip, or even as a side dish as part of a meal.

بالهنا والشفا (Bon appetit!)

- 2 large eggplants
- 3 Tbsp tahini
- 1-2 garlic cloves pressed
- the juice of 1/2 fresh lemon
- salt and pepper to taste
- 2 Tbsp olive oil, half to grease the pan, the other half as garnish
- fresh chopped parsley as garnish (optional)

- Preheat oven to 450 °F.
- Pierce whole eggplants with a fork here and there (this will prevent the eggplant from exploding).

- Grease the pan with the olive oil and place the eggplant on it.
- Bake for 45 minutes turning gently the eggplants periodically (approximately every 10 minutes) 1/4 rotation each time so they are evenly baked on all sides.
- Remove from oven and let cool for 15 minutes, then slit open lengthwise. 
- Scrape out the flesh and put into a food processor. Add remaining ingredients (except those for garnish) and blend by pulsing a few times. The delicate flesh should not need more than this. 
- Transfer into a serving dish. Chill in the fridge at least 1 hour. When serving add olive oil and optional parsley as garnish.